Email ID: Phone Number: +91 22 49608802
Email ID: Phone Number: +91 22 49608802

Back to school preparations

LFIM held its pre-back to school meetings with the entire staff before the first day. News, information, laughs and food were shared between the staff, who met after a gap of two months.

The day began with introductions of the new staff by the Director, followed by the a few words shared by the new Attaché for Cooperation in the French Language Mr. Prash Palanimalai at the Consulate General of France. A presentation was then shared which included important points for the new school year and a video presentation by the Director of the AEFE Mr. Olivier Brochet.

We were also joined by the Counsellor for Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens and the Attaché for Cooperation in Education Mme Fatiha Kammoussi from New Delhi via videoconference, who congratulated LFIM on its continued commitment to providing bilingual education of the highest standard. The meetings ended with a group photo and a fantastic lunch.
