Email ID: Phone Number: +91 22 49608802
Email ID: Phone Number: +91 22 49608802

Health & Safety

Air Pollution Protocol

LFIM recognizes the necessity and value of physical activity and understands that inactivity can have potentially negative health-related consequences. As a result, the risks of exercise on days with high pollution need to be balanced with the risks of physical inactivity.

In Class


Air Purifiers

New air purifiers in all classrooms. These purifiers utilise the latest purification technology of Plasmacluster and are equipped with HEPA filters.



All classroom windows are kept closed to prevent dust from entering and can be opened only by an authorised staff member.



Masks remain available throughout campus in case a student wishes to wear one when leaving school at the end of the day.

During Playtime


Check, Check, Check

Before every recess, the teacher checks the pollution level before letting the children play in the outdoor playground.


Air Purifiers

If the pollution level reaches 200 (poor), the students are not permitted to play outdoors and are moved to the indoor playground. We use an application named Safar, created by the Government of India to monitor the Air Quality Index (AQI).


Indoor Playground

The indoor playground has a specific air conditioning system with built-in air filters and air cleaning which purify the air, and allow students to play in a comfortable environment.

Back to School

Safety first!

We continue to closely monitor developments in the city and follow the directives of the local authorities, The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) and The Consulate General of France in Mumbai, in order to keep our entire community safe and healthy, both on campus and at home.

The Health Protocol +

We have implemented a comprehensive Health Protocol on campus in order to maintain a safe learning environment.

  • Adherence to LFIM and Government guidelines is critical as we try to return to some semblance of normality.
  • All members of our community share this responsibility.
  • This health protocol may be modified according to the evolution of the epidemic and the directives of the local authorities.
See how we've implemented our Health Protocol on campus in this short film.

Access to the Premises


Test Results

All students must provide a negative RT-PCR or Rapid-Antigen test before school begins after any vacation.


Right to entry reserved

Strictly reserved during school hours to students, teaching staff, administrative personnel and the support staff.


Temperature checks

The body temperature of all students, teachers, administrative and support staff is to be taken before entering the school.

Within LFIM


Restriction on movement

Students are not allowed to access floors other than their own. Support staff will be assigned and restricted to specific floors.


Physical distancing

During break time, each class will have a different location and time to avoid regrouping.


Safer apart

Student tables are arranged 1.8 metres
(6 feet) apart.

Reinforced Hygiene Measures



Wearing a mask remains optional to those teachers, administrative and support staff who so choose to.


Double contactless temperature checks

Double contactless temperature checking at the entrance of the compound and at the school gate.


Contactless hand sanitization

Hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers will be installed at the entrance of each classroom, washrooms, the school entrance and administrative offices.


Constant hand sanitization

Hand washing with hydro-alcoholic gel is mandatory for students and adults each time they enter and exit their classrooms.


Thorough disinfection

A thorough disinfection of the premises will take place every weekend (by a specialised contractor).


Surface disinfection

During the day, surfaces (tables, elevators, etc.), door and cupboard handles, toilets are cleaned every hour using disinfectant wipes.


Hygiene products

Single use hygiene products (toilet paper, paper hand towels) are made available throughout the premises.


Foot operated bins

Garbage bins, containing disposable garbage bags, are fitted with lids which are operated using one’s foot.



Toys are cleaned with disinfectant wipes.


Support staff uniforms

Maintenance staff change on arrival and wear uniforms inside the school which are cleaned daily on site.


Large classrooms

The size of our classes and the small number of students allow us to adhere to physical distancing of more than 6 feet between people.


Constant ventilation

Eighteen classrooms, with large bay windows that are opened to provide constant ventilation.
